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What We Offer

OTC Trading

Our bespoke OTC desk gives clients access to a wide range of vetted cryptocurrency spot markets. We collaborate closely with institutions, token issuers, and investment funds to leverage deep liquidity and execute trades seamlessly. Our experts work alongside clients to minimize slippage and achieve precise financial objectives.

Trade Execution

We facilitate trade execution by employing advanced strategies that mitigate risks and maximize returns. Market analysis is prioritized, and cutting-edge technologies are utilized to ensure swift and accurate trade executions. Whether clients are seasoned traders or new to the crypto market, we provide tailored solutions aligned with their goals.

Martket-Making Solutions

Our market-making solutions aim to enhance liquidity and foster a fairer market environment for digital assets. We leverage top-notch technologies and expert analysis to offset price volatility risks on both centralized and decentralized markets. Our proprietary trading tools are market-neutral, highly scalable, and deployed across major exchanges, offering efficient liquidity solutions to our partners.

B2B Payment Facilitation

We streamline business-to-business (B2B) payments through our facilitation services, covering invoicing to payment processing. We aim to ensure seamless transactions that meet industry standards and regulatory requirements, simplifying financial operations, reducing friction, and enhancing transparency in payment processes.

Contact Us

Reach out to us anytime at
We're here to provide the information and support you need to navigate the crypto landscape with confidence.

Our Story

At 40 Acres, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our customers. From our Over-the-Counter (OTC) trading service to our digital payment facilities, we provide a seamless and secure platform for buying, selling, and transacting in digital assets.

Our team of industry experts is dedicated to delivering best-in-class solutions that prioritize security, transparency, and user experience. Whether you're a seasoned trader or new to the world of cryptocurrency, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Stay informed. Be the first to experience the future of finance with 40 Acres.

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